The Show Will Go On… Just Not Right Now
As some of you may know, artist submissions for our 2020 Bondi Festival closed the day before the Australian Government brought in restrictions on gatherings of over 500 – bizarre to think that was just four weeks ago.
Since then we have been closely monitoring the global situation. It’s safe to say our thinking around Bondi Festival 2020 has been changing daily.
In the interest of safeguarding our audiences, artists and everyone we work with, Waverley Council and the Bondi & Districts Chamber of Commerce have made the necessary decision not to deliver the July 2020 installment of Bondi Festival.
Rather than cancelling our 2020 program outright, we will be bringing you a rescheduled and re-imagined version of Bondi Festival from 26 September to 10 October 2020.
We continue to closely monitor government directives around social gatherings and community safety, and are working on new Festival plans that accommodate these. Should there be any health and safety risk, the event won’t proceed, even in spring. But until we know that for certain, we’re forging ahead with our plans to deliver something beautiful, something necessary and something we can all celebrate together.
For artists with questions about submissions, our artist submissions are now open!
For everyone else, sign up to our enews and keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram. We’ll have more info coming soon, along with some other exciting plans we’re cooking up.
We were so excited to bring you our brand new, bigger and better festival in July. But that’s not for now.
We can’t wait to see you all in September.
Much love,
Team Bondi Festival.
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