2021 Festival Dates Announced • Bondi Festival arrow-leftarrow-rightmagnifying-glassshare-iconshopping-cart-iconstar-iconuser-icon

We are thrilled to announce that the 2021 Bondi Festival will burst into life from 25 June – 11 July 2021

Brought to you by Waverley Council in partnership with the Bondi and Districts Chamber of Commerce, the Festival team is looking forward to creating a safe and welcoming arts precinct for Sydney-siders in Bondi this winter.

The full Festival program will be announced in late May, but for now let us hint at a few highlights, to get you excited about what we’re cooking up. We’ll be:

  • welcoming back a beloved icy attraction
  • inviting you to warm your hands on the sands of Bondi Beach
  • getting green in our pop-up garden and sustainability hub
  • presenting the best five-star circus, lung-busting comedy and super-silly kids fun in our Festival Hub.

Look closer and you’ll find much more on offer at this year’s Bondi Festival. 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Stay tuned for more Festival announcements, with tickets going on sale in May 2021.

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    Bondi Festival acknowledges the Bidiagal, Birrabirragal and Gadigal people, who traditionally occupied the Sydney Coast, and we pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders both past and present.